Middle School Lesson - Determining adaptations and features of success for the Eastern Gray Squirrel and color morphs
Determining adaptations and features of success for the Eastern Gray Squirrel
Lesson description: This lesson can be used to begin a unit on evolution. Students will circle the room in teams to look over squirrel artifacts - with a focus on identifying traits and behaviors that help squirrels either survive or reproduce.
Grade Level: middle school (grades 6-8)
NYS Standards: MS-LS4-4, MS-LS1-5
21st century skills: collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking & problem solving, information literacy
Created by: Megan Newhouse & Jason Mauro
Lesson objectives: The students will be able to…
list factors that will increase the probability of squirrel survival and reproduction
explain the impact of biotic and abiotic features on the reproduction and survival of the Eastern gray squirrel
key vocabulary: adaptations, variation, natural selection, claim, evidence, reasoning, evolution, population dynamics
lesson plan
Lesson Plan (pdf)
lesson Plan (docx editable)
LEsson Materials
Squirrel stations editable
Lesson “Hook” ppt (pdf)
LEsson “Hook” ppt (PPTX editable)