High School Lesson - The role climate change may play in the survivorship of the Eastern Gray Squirrel morphs
The Role Climate Change may play in the Survival of the Eastern Gray Squirrel Morphs
Lesson Description: Students will spend few days learning and investigating two different morphs of the Eastern Gray squirrel and examining historical data . Then students will create a Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) poster based on their prior knowledge of genetics and climate change to provide the reasoning for how climate change may impact the survivorship of one morph of squirrel over the other. Students will use their data from the game as evidence.
Grade Level: High school (grades 9—12)
NYS Standards: HS-LS4-4; HS-LS2-6; HS-LS2-7; HS-LS2-8
21st century skills: collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking & problem solving, information literacy
Created by: Lisa Lowenberg
objectives: the student will be able to…
explain how human impact through urbanization will influence “survivorship” of the color morphs of the Eastern Gray Squirrel population.
create a model (CER) explaining possible questions they investigated as well as present their findings to the class upon completion.
explain the relationship between climate change and urbanization as an extension to the lesson.